Substance Use Disorder
in Pregnancy
Summer 2024 Trainings: SUD Screening and MAT
Led by TIPQC’s Project Lead, Dr. Jessica Young, TIPQC travelled throughout the state to conduct in person trainings on educating providers on screening for substance use disorder and medication assisted treatment in pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Jessica Young, MD, MPH is Board Certified in both Obstetrics/Gynecology and Addiction Medicine. She specializes in substance use disorders in pregnancy as well as family planning. She leads the Firefly Clinic at Vanderbilt Center for Women’s Health. Dr. Young lead the TIPQC AIM Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Project, as well as a Committee Chair for the National AIM OUD Project, serves on the Board of One Tennessee, and is the previous past Maternal Medical Director for TIPQC.

Community Food Resources
Fighting Maternal Mortality: Overdose Prevention
In this video, Dr. Jessica Young discusses the role that overdose plays in maternal mortality, naloxone provision and harm reduction principles, SUD screening in pregnancy and relapse prevention.
Lived Experience Panel Interview
In this video, Dr. Jessica Young talks to two individuals with lived experience in order to gain more insight on the resources and support needed for patients with substance use disorder during pregnancy.
Maternal Mental Health Screening with Dr. Julia Wood
In this video, Dr. Julia Woods discusses they why and how of maternal mental health screening, what systems have been proven to work, and how providers can help their patients today.
Opioid Use Disorder in Pregnancy Workshop
In this video, TIPQC Leadership, QI teams, and Dr. Tricia Wright engage in important discussion on the screening data from Wave 1 of the TIPQC OUD/OEN Project, urine vs SBIRT barriers, and host a Q&A.
Opioid Exposed Newborn Workshop
In this video, TIPQC Leadership, QI teams, and Dr. Mike Devoe engage in important discussion on ways to improve communication netween health care teams and host a Q&A.
NARCAN Training Workshop
In this training, viewers will learn how to recognize an opioid overdose, when and how to use Naloxone, and where to locate additional resources and information on Naloxone.
Intrapartum Pain Management
Opioid use disorder (OUD) is the umbrella term that encompasses varying levels of misuse. Dr. Raymond discusses the effects of OUD and strategies to address pain in women on chronic opioids.
A Parent’s Perspective: Tamela Alexander Milan
Tamela Milan-Alexander describes the personal struggle as well as her triumph over addiction, public assistance and poverty. Through her journey of recovery from opioid addiction, regaining custody of her six children, and caring for her Opioid Exposed Newborn, she is able to share what was supportive to her recovery. This is a must watch!
What’s New in Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Tennessee is in an opioid epidemic which mirrors much of the national epidemic. Leading expert, Dr. Stephen Patrick, discusses the history and current trends in Tennessee regarding OUD and OEN.
Tennessee Safe Baby Courts
Director Tate discusses the innovations and collaboration of the TN courts in improving outcomes and supporting families with Opioid Use Disorder seeking to regain custody of their child/ren. Examples include implementing resources from the National Judicial Opioid Task Force, utilizing the TB Baby Courts where available, collaborative partnerships, and promising state programs responding to this epidemic.
The 4th Trimester and Postpartum Relapse
The 4th trimester is an important period in the cycle of pregnancy for the new mom and her infant. This video defines what the 4th trimester is and what practitioners can do to assist mothers with opioid use disorder during this often challenging time.
Care of the Opioid Exposed Newborn: A Panel Discussion
Various techniques for determining the level of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions have been used over the last 20 years. Dr. Matt Grossman and Dr. Stephen Patrick discuss current trends in the care of the Opioid Exposed Newborn (OEN) and the varying methods to scoring, including the Eat, Sleep, and Console assessment approach and treatment options.
Eat, Sleep, Console Approach
Various techniques for determining the level of pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions have been used over the last 20 years. The presenter discusses current screening and treatment trends and how the Eat, Sleep, Console (ESC) approach is used to potentially reduce the need for pharmacologic treatment and may reduce the length of stay in Opioid Exposed Newborns (OEN) and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS)/Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) infants.