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Team Meeting Observation Form

Process to Observe

  • Participation/Commitment
  • Energy Level/Interest
  • Communication
    • Nonverbals
    • Feedback
    • Trust/Openness/Hidden Agendas
    • Feelings
    • Understanding
  • Productivity
  • Conflict Management
  • Leadership/Decision-Making
  • Problem-Solving
  • Collaboration
  • Team Building

Structural Observation

  • Aim/Objective
  • Agenda
  • Membership
  • Roles
  • Time Management
  • Contract
  • Group Norms
  • Tools (Generating, Deciding)
  • Evaluation

Task or Content


  • Effective Culture
  • Support from Without
  • General Atmosphere
  • Information
  • Training
  • Team has power to make decisions



Method of Assessment

  • Pre-Meeting Assessment
  • Observation
  • Inquiry
  • Questionnaire
  • Dialogue – Process Check
  • Intuition
  • Intervention

Spectrum of Intervention

  • Do Nothing
  • Silence
  • Support
  • Question to Clarify
  • Descriptive Feedback
  • Evaluative Feedback
  • Questions to Move
  • Reframe
  • Teach
  • Share Your Idea
  • Make Suggestions
  • Guide
  • Direct

Type of Intervention

Group Process

  • Non-Intervention
  • Nonverbal
  • Communication
  • Questions
  • Feedback
  • In Process Intervention
  • Conflict Management/Mediation
  • Team Building
  • Debriefing
  • Training
  • Dealing with Emotion
  • Third Party Intervention

Group Structure

  • Procedural Suggestion
  • Tool Suggestion
  • Ground Rules
  • Contracting/Group Agreement
  • Agenda/Meeting Structure Change
  • JIT/Training