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Years Active: 2020-2022



Project Resources

QI Project Guidance

Resources for Teams

OUD Tools

TIPQC Pregnancy Checklist

OUD Tools

ACOG eModule – Obstetric Care for Women with Opioid Use Disorder

OUD Tools

Commonly prescribed medications and potential false-positive urine drug screens

OUD Tools

Interpretation of Opiate Urine Drug Screens

OUD Tools

Interpretation of Urine Drug Test (UDT) based on Opioid Prescribed

OUD Tools

Key Opportunities for Improvement

OUD Tools

Narcan Quick Start Guide (Spanish)

OUD Tools

Ordering and Interpreting Urine Drug Tests

OEN Tools

Commonly prescribed medications and potential false-positive urine drug screens

OEN Tools

Ordering and Interpreting Urine Drug Tests

OEN Tools

Interpretation of Opiate Urine Drug Screens

OEN Tools

Interpretation of Urine Drug Test (UDT) based on Opioid Prescribed

OEN Tools

Key Opportunities for Improvement

Active Participating

Hospital Teams

State Project Leaders

Jessica Young, MD, MPH an Obstetrician-Gynecologist and Addiction Medicine specialist is an Associate Professor at Vanderbilt University Medical Center,  Mike Devoe, MD a neonatologist at Vanderbilt University Medical Center and Professor of Clinical Pediatrics, Vanderbilt Medical School, along with Anna Morad, MD an Associate Professor of Pediatrics, and Director, Newborn Nursery at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt led this project.  



TIPQC is actively recruiting devoted health care professionals, community leaders and patient and family partners to further our mission of improving health outcomes for mothers and babies in Tennessee.