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WHEN: July 25th, 2025

WHERE: Baby Steps

Comprehensive Care for Pregnant Women with SUD & Their Infants: Johnson City

Join TIPQC this summer for a morning of learning the best practices for treating pregnant women with substance use disorder and their infants.

Johnson City: July, 25th, 2025 from 9:00AM-12:00PM at Baby Steps

Led by Drs. Anna Morad, Jessica Young, and Julia Wood, the trainings will focus on the following:

  1. General OB and Infant Care for the patient with OUD (Dr. Young)
  2. Infant support for the OEN & NAS infant including breastfeeding; Eat, Sleep & Console, and Infant Mental Health (Dr. Morad)
  3. Mental Health Screening, services, and referrals including suicide screening/evidence-based policy using formal screening tools & safety plans (Dr. Wood)

This training is geared to medical providers and nurses.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills.

Register now to secure your spot! Exact details regarding address and room number will be emailed prior to the event.