Facilitator Intervention Definitions
Intervention is any action intended to help a person or group move in a healthy direction.
- PAUSE OR DO NOTHING: Choosing not to act, holding back, and observing.
- SILENCE: Being still and using the quiet time to draw out others.
- NONVERBAL: Using movement, voice, eye contact, and facial expression.
- VALIDATION: Asking a question or paraphrasing to make sure that you understand.
- DESCRIPTIVE FEEDBACK: Playing back specific, behavioral observations without judgment, as a video camera would.
- EVALUATIVE FEEDBACK: In addition to the descriptive, adding a component to the feedback that summarizes it with a label or conclusion.
- QUESTIONS TO SUGGEST DIRECTION: Asking leading questions to invite the group to proceed, for example, “Why don’t we move on to the next item?”
- DEBRIEFING: Asking the group to examine with you what just happened.
- REFRAMING: Suggesting a new viewpoint or angle on a situation.
- TEACHING: Giving instruction.
- SHARING IDEAS: Revealing your thoughts on the matter.
- MAKING SUGGESTIONS: Proposing an idea about the best course of action.
- GUIDANCE: In addition to verbal direction, actually leading in a suggestive way.
- MEDIATION: With situations involving conflict, drawing all parties into the room, hearing each faction’s position and interest/rationale, and seeking a way with them to satisfy the interests of all in a creative way.
- DIRECTION: Showing and telling in a stronger way.
- CALLING IN A THIRD PARTY: After determining that you are not the best suited for this intervention, asking for the assistance of a consultant, counselor, or other qualified individual.
From Key, M. K. “Continuum of Intervention: Exploring the Range of Facilitator Interventions” In Elaine Beich (Ed.), The 2000 Annual, Volume 2, Consulting. (c) Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer, 2000. Reprinted with permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.